The Hillsboro School Board unanimously approved the performance contract for a project that will enhance energy conservation and facility improvements during its regular business meeting Monday night.
After much preparation and review, School Superintendent Curt Bisarek told the Board the project was “in line and ready to go.”
The project will include electrical upgrades, HVAC upgrades/controls, roofing upgrades, technology-network upgrades, window/door upgrades, among others.
Maximum costs will be $2,469,913 for the high school and $1.1 million for the elementary school. Bidding requests will begin right away.
The Board then unanimously approved a resolution awarding the sale of $1,500,000 Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes (Qualified Zone Academy Bonds–Tax Credit.)
Afterward, Bisarek thanked Farmers State Bank through its Executive Vice President, Carol Jefferies, who was in attendance at the meeting. She, in turn, thanked the School Board.
The Hillsboro Education Association Initial Proposal for 2013-14 wages was presented to the board by Diana Marshall.
The proposal stated, “The HEA is proposing a 2.07% increase for each person’s 2012/2013 earned salary. Being that the administrative rule requiring determining total base wage formulation has expired, we believe our proposal translates into a true cost of living wage.”
School Board Vice President Bob Stekel then presented the Board plan to Marshall.
The Board unanimously approved a transportation contract with Stenerson Buses for the 2013-2014 school year.
Earlier in the meeting, High School Principal Greg Zimmerman announced that practices for the football, volleyball, and cross-country teams had started.
The first football game will be Friday, Aug. 23 at Alma-Center Lincoln, and the first volleyball team action will be a scrimmage with La Farge at HHS Monday, Aug. 24, at 6 p.m.
Zimmerman also announced that 39 students had enrolled in College Placement/Advanced Placement classes over the summer in English Language, English Literature, and U.S. History.
Twenty-six had taken the exams, of which 17 had earned college credits.
The Middle School Open House will be held Monday, Aug. 26, from 6-7:30 p.m.
School officially begins on Sept. 3.
In other business, the Board:
• Accepted the resignation of Jamie Schmitz as JV softball and volleyball coach.
• Hired Cathy Clark as a Kindergarten teacher.
• Hired Clark and Toni Ross as Junior High volleyball coaches.
• Hired Mike Burch as varsity softball coach.
• Hired Tom Lambries as Junior High special needs aide.
• Transferred Nancy Stanek to Full Time Title One.
• Hired Bobee Thompson as Part Time Elementary Title One.
• Approved current prices of season athletic passes.
• Approved revisions in Board Policy Book.
• Scheduled a special Board meeting to further discuss the collective bargaining agreement covering base wages for Aug. 26 at 7:30 p.m.