DARLINGTON – The Football Only Realignment plan presented at the WIAA Board of Control meeting in Madison on March 2 had its first reading and was approved 8-2 to move forward with the plan, Athletic Director Kurt Cohen told school board members on March 8.
The plan will move forward to a second reading. There is a 40-day appeal process for any of the schools involved. Cohen anticipates going back in April for the second reading and hopefully having the plan voted in place.
Along with this plan, the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association is working on completing an entire state realignment for the fall of 2020. If they come up with a plan by 2020, it will take precedence over this plan.
“We are all for it. The right direction is for this to happen state wide. There are some of us who have gone through this process with 48 school districts for the last couple years and are skeptical that we can get an agreement in the state by 2020 but it would be a great thing if we can,” Cohen added.
Nick Zuberbuhler asked if the realignment was mostly set up geographically and questioned why Iowa-Grant was still listed in their conference and Pecatonica/Argyle was still in Six Rivers.
Cohen said they had started the realignment two years ago and it was strictly enrollment driven but they went through several different possibilities since there were a number of schools that opted out of the plan for that reason.
“This is a modified enrollment plan,” Cohen addressed.
Other Business
The Darlington School Board also approved/accepted:
-Cassidy Cox as a volunteer DHS assistant softball coach and Christen Ruf & Brad Schliem as volunteer DHS assistant baseball coaches.
-a donation of $10 to the football student activity account and $10 to the basketball student activity account from the Class of 1960, in memory of Gary Cullen.
-a donation from Bob Hermanson of $200 for the track student activity account.
-a donation from an anonymous donor of $100 to the track students activity account.
-a donation of $15 from Jean and Robert Kendall to the DEMS Service Learning student activity account.
-the resignation of Dennis Wirth as a DHS Science & Math Teacher after 42 years of service.
-the resignation of Willy Chambers as a DHS Assistant Wrestling Coach.
-an additional DHS and DEMS Assistant Track Coach due to increasing numbers in students. Steve Fitzsimons was approved as the DEMS Assistant Track Coach.
-cutting the halftime Alternative School program. A lay-off notice will be issued to Arnie Miehe due to reduction in programming of the Alternative School.
-Dirty Ducts Cleaning for the contract for Asbestos Abatement at DHS for the Summer of 2018 for $35,000.
-the authorization of Letters of Intent to the Professional staff for the 2018-2019 school year.
-the following three candidates, in alphabetical order, will advance for consideration for the position as the Darlington Elementary Middle School Principal: Brad Lutes, Scott Moore, and Lori Nodorft.
Darlington School Board: Varsity football realignment coming along