Young people of the area interested in learning how to shoot will have an opportunity in the coming days.
Gays Mills American Legion Post 308 and Soldiers Grove American Legion Post 220 will start another year of American Legion Junior Shooting Sports running from September of 2015 through May of 2016.
The location for the 2014-2015 school year was the community building on Main Street in Gays Mills. This year, in an attempt to increase enrollment and decrease costs, it will be held at the Soldiers Grove American Legion Post located at 103 Legion Drive in Soldiers Grove right next to the Campbell’s One Stop on Highway 61.
Participation is open to any boy or girl ages 8 to 18 and is at no cost to the participant. Practices will be held the second and fourth Wednesday of every month beginning Wednesday, Sept. 9 from 6 to 8 p.m.
There will be no practice on Wednesday, Nov. 25 (the day before Thanksgiving) or Wednesday, Dec. 23 (day before Christmas Eve).
The group will be learning to target shoot with air rifles and have the opportunity later in the year to compete and show off the skills they have gained. It is free to participate as well for the children.
“It started last year in August and we had a solid group of about 10 kids that consistently came,” said Krista Heinz, one of the instructors of the event. Although consistent participation is desired, Heinz noted that you do not need to be present at every practice to be able to participate
“We understand everyone is busy. Parents are welcome to stay and watch their child, or they’re also welcome to drop them off and come back later,” Heinz said.
Hunter safety is not required to participate, “it is not a replacement for hunter safety, but we do reinforce things learned in hunter safety,” noted Heinz who is also a hunter safety instructor.
The participants will be learning about the equipment, safety, and how to shoot from three different positions, as well as spotting for their partner.
“We try to make it so they can be more confortable shooting,” said Heinz.
All shooting equipment and supplies are provided through the sponsorship of the National Rifle Association Foundation, Gays Mills American Legion Post 308, Soldiers Grove American Legion Post 220 and many local businesses. For more information or to sponsor a practice, you are encouraged to contact Krista Heinz at 608-734-3037 or