On the county board chair
I am writing in regards to your March 27 story on the Grant County Board of Supervisors.
It never ceases to amaze me that the Grant County Board, with so many important issues to deal with, has to spend its time addressing concerns of a disgruntled board member whose agenda may not be in the best interest of the county and the people he represents, but is almost a personal conflict with the present chairman.
This board member resigned from the board when the present chairman was elected to that position by a majority vote of the board, and because of the way committee appointments were handled. By that own board member’s own admission after resigning from the board, the only reason he wanted back on to the board “was to be a thorn in the present chairman’s side,” as stated by that board member in the board’s August 2012 meeting.
During that same August 2012 meeting during a public comment session, where several citizens spoke on retaining the present chairman, the board was made aware of a verbal altercation during the Grant County Fair between the present chairman and another board member that actually could have been construed to have been disorderly conduct on the part of that other board member by the chairman’s being verbally attacked in a public place.
Within an hour after the meeting, the disgruntled board member verbally attacked a former board member on the streets of Lancaster, which altercation was so loud it could have been and was heard by people a half-block away at the front doors of the Grant County Courthouse and the county Administration Building. The verbal attack stemmed from the former member’s not agreeing to replace the present chairman and for stating that opinion during the public comment session of the board meeting. (The disgruntled board member was not involved with the altercation with the present chairman at the fair.)
The disgruntled board member is now attacking the present chairman for taking vacations and not doing his job. (By the way, a couple of the present members of the board were gone for an extended period of time on vacation last summer. Who was doing their jobs, not only at the county level, but at the local level as well?)
County board chairman, for as long as I can remember, have taken vacations for hunting, fishing, visiting relatives or whatever the case may have been. This was never an issue before. Why now? Does this imply that other county employees should not take vacations? There are other motives here, which is evident.
The disgruntled board member also stated that he has been receiving calls when the chairman is in and out and other software issues from employees. If employees have the time to watch what other employees are doing, I would question if they are doing the job they were hired to do.
As one board member put it, “If you have specific points of what he is not accomplishing in his duties, bring those forward … all we are doing is splashing this in the newspaper for public comment.”
Maybe a few of these supervisors need to get off the board if they can’t get beyond this personal vindictiveness where majority rules whether right or wrong and get on with county business and be more concerned about making Grant County a place where a person wants to live, work and raise their families.
The County Board and all committee meetings are open to the public; come and see how your county board operates. They represent you, and the best interests of county government. The terms on the board are for two years, including the chairperson’s position, which is elected by a majority vote of the board.
The bottom line for the board members is: Focus on county issues and keep your personal feelings at home.
Robert Nelson
Mount Ida
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