The Woodward Foundation has pledged $10,000 to assist the Platteville Community Arboretum in matching the City of Platteville’s grant of $50,000 awarded to PCA for needed improvements to the Rountree Branch recreational trail.
Projected improvements include a bridge replacement and elimination of steps to make the trail more accessible to individuals with disabilities, strollers and bikes.
“Again, Steve Fisher, GM Woodward Printing Services, and Brian Stewart, GM Shopping News, were instrumental in supporting PCA grant request to the Woodward Foundation,” said PCA board member Gene Weber “These professional managers appreciate the Platteville community’s support for their company and their employees. They want to help us all make continued quality of life improvements here and have significantly done so with this $10,000 Woodward Foundation award along with their own $5,000 commitment to the PHS Scholarship Fund just a few weeks ago. An even greater contribution to Platteville is the many jobs they provide.”
“We are very proud of our Platteville operations and wanted to make a difference to the Platteville community,” said Fisher. “PCA ‘3 for $100K’ project is an excellent way for us to participate. The respect the city has given PCA through their $50,000 matching fund has given us confidence we are supporting an important community need.”
“With PCA’s membership already contributing over 17 percent of the match needed, we knew we were working with a dedicated group,” said Stewart. “Our Foundation staff shared that PCA was very professional in their approach and therefore easy for us to support. We understand PCA needs $32,000 more to achieve their 50 percent match so we encourage everyone to consider an appropriate donation to this excellent project.”
PCA is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) public charity. To donate to this PCA ‘3 for $100K’ project, please send a check to the PCA, P.O. Box 302, Platteville, WI 53818. Online donations may be made at . For further information, contact PCA directors Kris Wright, 342-1689, or Weber, 778-6914.