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State's role in WW I
During trench warfare, opposing armies conducted battle at close range from a series of ditches dug into the ground.This occurred when two armies faced a stalemate, with neither side able to advance and overtake the other. Although trench warfare has been employed since ancient times, it was used on an unprecedented scale on the Western Front duringWorld War I.The trenches mostly ran alongside each other, separated by as much as one kilometer to as little as 15 meters apart.By October 1914, neither army could advance its position, mainly because this conflict was being waged very differently from how wars had been fought in the 19th Century. Forward-moving strategies, such as head-on infantry attacks, were no longer effective or feasible against modern weaponry like machine guns and heavy artillery. This inability to move forward created the stalemate. What began as a temporary strategyby the high commandevolved into one of the main features of the war at theWestern Frontfor the next four years. In these trenches, soldiers on both sides of the conflict were exposed to disease, poison gas, and substantial noise.

See more photos and read about it in the November 15, 2018 issue of The Richland Observer.